
Interactive / Product Design / Retail


The Challenge
Shopping for a new computer online can be a daunting task, especially when you bought the last one years ago and technology changes so rapidly. There are so many makes, models, and form factors making it hard to narrow your search.

Our Solution
We designed a tool that gets you to a credible recommendation in minutes by answering just a few simple, real-speak questions. Simply tell us about how you plan on using a new PC and what you’d like to do with it and we can create a recommendation that includes a device type, which processor to look for, and even a specific SKU with a link to where to buy it at your local retailer.



Answer A Few
Easy Questions

After answering a few non-technical questions, we can drastically help narrow your search for a new PC.

A Smart Recommendation Engine

As each question is answered, we are actively narrowing your search in the background using our custom logic. And to add credibility, we show how your answers affect how the recommendation changes.


A Recommendation You Can Trust

Once you reach the final screen, we provide a form factor, processor, special promotions, and even SKU recommendation. And you can see exactly how we arrived by showing how your answers affected that recommendation.


Selected Work

Intel Gaming Campaigns360 / Digital / Social / Retail

Centrum - #Still Got ItPR / Social Campaigns / Web Film

Arc Worldwide - Agency WebsiteWebsite Design / Retail Marketing / PR

Gaming Influencer & Esports ContentVideo Content / Influencer Marketing / PR

Facebook - Virtually InseperableInteractive / Virtual Reality / Experiential

Intel - The Intel ExperienceExperiential / Social / Retail Innovation

Firestone - Interactive Auto Care CentersInteractive / Product Design / Retail

Intel - Intelligent Point of SaleInteractive / Product Design / Retail

Coca-Cola - Arctic HomeInteractive Website / Digital Campaigns / PR

Popcornopolis Package DesignsPackage Design / Retail

Allstate - #Out Holding HandsSocial Campaign / Digital / Augmented Reality

Intel - Computer Recomendation ToolInteractive / Product Design / Retail

Leo Burnett - Digital Display GroupDigital / Experiential / Animation

Intel - PC X-RAYInteractive / Augmented Reality / Retail